Faculté Libre d'Astrologie de Paris (FLAP)

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mardi 28 février 2023

Patrice Guinard SEs textes traduits en anglais ou/et en espagnol

Contents of C.U.R.A. (Site Map) | Historique et Contenu du CURA | Histórico y Contenido de la Web Selection of Texts published in English A true and wonderful prediction for twenty years I have made only ONE prediction in 20 years on CURA, a concise, precise and accurate one that none pseudo-astrologer of the bogus-predictive schools has ever made: It appears here in the April 2010 original file, and it gives the astrological FACT, WHAT will happen, and the reasons WHY it will happen. Astral Matrix I. Equipotence and Harmony of Structures (P. Guinard's Thesis VII.1) Astral Matrix II. Logical Foundations of Rulerships (P. Guinard's Thesis VII.2) Astral Matrix III. Matrix Geometry (P. Guinard's Thesis VII.3) Aldo Mazzucchelli: Astrology, Hermeneutics and Metaphorical Web Angeles Rocamora Cortés: Interview with Patrice Guinard Dale Huckeby: After Symbolism Daryn Lehoux: Tomorrow's News Today: Astrology, Fate, and the Way Out Dennis Frank: Astrology & the New Paradigm Dennis Rawlins: sTARBABY Gerry Goddard: Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Our Contemporary Evolutionary Challenge Graham Douglas: The Gauquelin Effect is born at Conception, part 1: Mars James H. Holden: Arabian Astrology Ken Gillman: Planetary Sequence & Astrological Heredity Maarit Laurento: A Dialogue between Astrology and Science Patrice Guinard: Astrology: The Manifesto (translation Matyas Becvarov) Patrice Guinard: Avatars of the Astrological Zodiac (translation Matyas Becvarov) Patrice Guinard: Philosophic Decades (translation Matyas Becvarov) Patrice Guinard: Moon Quarters's Moods 2011-2012 (partial translation) Patrice Guinard : For a New Approach of the Astrological Chart Patrice Guinard : A Reform of the Astrological Chart Patrice Guinard : CURA's Charts and CurAstro4 Analysis Patrice Guinard : Which cyclical operators in astrology? Rumen Kolev: Some Reflections about Babylonian Astrology Sergey Smelyakov: The Earth at the Sight of the Solar Zodiac Shelley Jordan: Astrology and Tibetan Culture I (Interview with Dr. Pema Dorjee, physician to the Dalai Lama) Sirman A. Celâyir: The World of Astrology (A Criticism of the Astrological Milieu) Slawomir Stachniewicz: Attempt of a Scientific Approach to Astrology Wojciech Jóźwiak: Newly Conceived Houses EXEGESIS Discussion Group Archives (1996-2007) ⇒ Simply the best Philosophical discussion group on Astrology ever ! ARCHIVES GAUQUELIN (149,000 Birth Data) Manifeste Manifeste Manifeste Manifeste Manifeste Manifeste Manifeste Manifeste Digital International Astrology Library. DIAL 1 & 2 (400 + 1000 links) Pierre d'Ailly Pontano Regiomontanus, Kalendarius, 1513 Lichtenberger, 1526 Practica, 1514 Schoener, De judiciis nativitatum, 1545 Cardano, Libelli Artopoeus Tycho Brahe CORPUS NOSTRADAMUS (247 textes) Nostradamus, Prognostication 1555 Nostradamus, Almanach 1557 Nostradamus, Presages 1557 Nostradamus, Propheties 1555 Nostradamus, Propheties 1558 Nostradamus, Propheties 1568 Nostradamus, Propheties 1603 Nostradamus, Opuscule 1556 Nostradamus, Des notes hieroglyphiques 1541 Nostradamus, Lettre à Joachim de Cléron 1566 Selección de Textos publicados en Español ASTROLOGÍA: EL MANIFIESTO (copia PDF) Jesús Navarro: A propósito de la Astrología: Apuntes para un Debate Ken Gillman: Doce Dioses y Siete Planetas (trad. Joanna Murdoch) Angeles Rocamora Cortés: Pensar la Astrología (Entrevista a Patrice Guinard) Patrice Guinard: Astrología: El Manifiesto (trad. Angeles Rocamora) Patrice Guinard: El Dominion o Sistema de las 8 Casas: Presentación (trad. Angeles Rocamora) Patrice Guinard: Avatares del zodíaco astrológico (trad. Angeles Rocamora) Patrice Guinard: Ciclología astral (Ciclos y edades planetarias) (traducción Angeles Rocamora) Patrice Guinard: Algunos aforismos en torno a la astrología (trad. Ana Isabel Stellino) Patrice Guinard: La astrología (y la epi-astrología) en la universidad (trad. Pía Urruzuno) Patrice Guinard: La estrella de Belén: Una escena organizada por astrólogos (trad. Alhena Casanova) Patrice Guinard: La astrología francesa en el siglo XX (trad. Alhena Casanova) Patrice Guinard: ¿Nostradamus conocía los planetas transaturninos? (trad. Pía Urruzuno) Patrice Guinard: El Tema de C.U.R.A. (trad. Joanna Murdoch) Patrice Guinard: Para un nuevo acercamiento al tema astrológico (trad. Alhena Casanova) Patrice Guinard: La reforma del mapa astrológico (trad. Alhena Casanova)

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