Site de l'Association La Vie Astrologique (ex Mouvement Astrologique Universitaire). 8, rue de la Providence. 75013 Paris/ Une approche historico-critique de la littérature astrologique.
Faculté Libre d'Astrologie de Paris (FLAP)
Le but de ce blog est lié à la création en 1975 du Mouvement Astrologique Universitaire (MAU) . Il sera donc question des passerelles entre Astrologie et Université mais aussi des tentatives de constituer des enseignements astrologiques.
Constatant les lacunes des astrologues dans le domaine des
sciences sociales (hommes et femmes, structures
nationales et supranationales etc), la FLAP assurera à ses
étudiants des connaissances de première main et les plus
récentes qui leur serviront de socle pour appréhender
l'astrologie et en repenser les contours.
Soutenez nous en achetant à notre librairie en ligne sur priceminister/Rakuten VULCAINJH.
Constatant les lacunes des astrologues dans le domaine des
sciences sociales (hommes et femmes, structures
nationales et supranationales etc), la FLAP assurera à ses
étudiants des connaissances de première main et les plus
récentes qui leur serviront de socle pour appréhender
l'astrologie et en repenser les contours.
Soutenez nous en achetant à notre librairie en ligne sur priceminister/Rakuten VULCAINJH.
06 60 75 52 48
lundi 17 février 2025
jacques halbronn Astrology 7 How Astrology 7 's pattern, tool has to be exported and exploited.
jacques halbronn Astrology 7 How Astrology 7 's pattern, tool has to be exported and exploited.
Instead expecting from an astrologer to explore a specific field and period which he will have to discover, we believe being more simple to ask a specialist of the concerned field to adopt and use our Astrology Seven's pattern which he will be able to exploit eventually so many times while the astrologer will have each time to study a a new corpus; that is what is called ergonomics:
"Ergonomics, also known as human factors or human factors engineering (HFE), is the application of psychological and physiological principles to the engineering and design of products, processes, and systems. Primary goals of human factors engineering are to reduce human error, increase productivity and system availability, and enhance safety, health and comfort with a specific focus on the interaction between the human and equipment."
In other words, the astrological has to become as accessible as possible to specialists and not astrologers to master an infinite number of cases, which will inevitably be superficially achieved, To day, unfortunately Astrology is far from corresponding to such an ergonomic profile, especialy since his teachers share interest in presenting their discipline as deservin a relatively long preparation and initiation.
Computers have indeed facilitated access to Astrology and Internet afforded to make information upon any subject a rather easy task, But one cannot expect the actual conditions being satisfactory, Only a specalist of the field will have the abilty to produce any waluable and panoramic diagnosis and prognosis;
JHB 17 02 25
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