Site de l'Association La Vie Astrologique (ex Mouvement Astrologique Universitaire). 8, rue de la Providence. 75013 Paris/ Une approche historico-critique de la littérature astrologique.
Faculté Libre d'Astrologie de Paris (FLAP)
Le but de ce blog est lié à la création en 1975 du Mouvement Astrologique Universitaire (MAU) . Il sera donc question des passerelles entre Astrologie et Université mais aussi des tentatives de constituer des enseignements astrologiques.
Constatant les lacunes des astrologues dans le domaine des
sciences sociales (hommes et femmes, structures
nationales et supranationales etc), la FLAP assurera à ses
étudiants des connaissances de première main et les plus
récentes qui leur serviront de socle pour appréhender
l'astrologie et en repenser les contours.
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Constatant les lacunes des astrologues dans le domaine des
sciences sociales (hommes et femmes, structures
nationales et supranationales etc), la FLAP assurera à ses
étudiants des connaissances de première main et les plus
récentes qui leur serviront de socle pour appréhender
l'astrologie et en repenser les contours.
Soutenez nous en achetant à notre librairie en ligne sur priceminister/Rakuten VULCAINJH.
06 60 75 52 48
samedi 15 février 2025
jacques halbronn Astrology; The Saturn Neptune cycle is a scientific mystification
jacques halbronn Astrology . The Saturn-Neptune cycle is a scientific mystification.
An experimented astrologer will always be able to show that his prediction corresponds to an important event for the excellent reason that human life presents constantly dramatic features. During a period of 36 years, interval between two Saturn Neptune conjunctions will occur around fifteen changes of periods, every 2 years and 4 months. Therefore, it will always be possible to connect any such conjunction with one of those 15 conjunctions/
Michel Gauquelin, 70 years ago, in 1955, had mentioned such a problem in his criticisme of astrological statistics by showing that more people were born at a certain time of the year than at other moments. Therefore, it will be expected that certain signes would be over-represented. Astrology has necessarily to indicate two contradictory tendances, that corresponds to what the idea of falsifiability, developed by Popper.
— "Popper says falsifiability is the hallmark of a scientific theory, and allows us to make a demarcation line between science and non-science."
We understand that the Saturn-Neptune effect exposed by André Barbault in 1955, has to include a counter experiment with opposite results. The probleme is to define what is the opposite configuration to a conjunction. Most astrologers tend to believe that the aspect of opposition will correspond to such a situation(see the principle of rulerships with exiles versus thrones). But, the opposition is to be identified with Syzygies
Syzygy (astronomy)
"In astronomy, a syzygy is a roughly straight-line configuration of three or more celestial bodies in a gravitational system. A syzygy occurs during eclipses" It is more likely to find an anti-conjonctional configuration when Saturn and Neptune are separated by a semi-square aspect (45°). In any case, any conjonction in a cardinal signe is to be equivalent, no matter if it occurs in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorne. Besides giving a special importance to Aries, will create a cycle not of 36 years but of 4 times this number (144 years, the revolution of Neptune being of 165 years). And it is precisely the point which will hypnotize astrologers to meet in Paris at the end of March 2025. It is true, however that 30 years ago, I had concentrated on Saturn passing every 30 yars on the vernal point but it did not include Neptune. (cf on SCRIBD Astrologie selon Saturne)
JHB 15 02 25
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