Site de l'Association La Vie Astrologique (ex Mouvement Astrologique Universitaire). 8, rue de la Providence. 75013 Paris/ Une approche historico-critique de la littérature astrologique.
Faculté Libre d'Astrologie de Paris (FLAP)
Le but de ce blog est lié à la création en 1975 du Mouvement Astrologique Universitaire (MAU) . Il sera donc question des passerelles entre Astrologie et Université mais aussi des tentatives de constituer des enseignements astrologiques.
Constatant les lacunes des astrologues dans le domaine des
sciences sociales (hommes et femmes, structures
nationales et supranationales etc), la FLAP assurera à ses
étudiants des connaissances de première main et les plus
récentes qui leur serviront de socle pour appréhender
l'astrologie et en repenser les contours.
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Constatant les lacunes des astrologues dans le domaine des
sciences sociales (hommes et femmes, structures
nationales et supranationales etc), la FLAP assurera à ses
étudiants des connaissances de première main et les plus
récentes qui leur serviront de socle pour appréhender
l'astrologie et en repenser les contours.
Soutenez nous en achetant à notre librairie en ligne sur priceminister/Rakuten VULCAINJH.
06 60 75 52 48
jeudi 20 février 2025
jacques halbronn Epistemology. The optimal astrological Unit: 3, 5 years.
jacques halbronn Epistemology. The optimal astrological Unit: 3, 5 years .
The choice of a unit is absolutely essential as to any work upon Time measurement.
A unit of time is any particular time interval, used as a standard way of measuring or expressing duration."
One has to understand that an error in the choice of a proper unit. In 1976, we proposed a 7 years unit -although we were already in favor of a division of the circle by 8, which gives 3 years and a half (Clefs pour l'Astrologie, Ed Seghers, p. 143 "la division octuple").
It has finally appeared that periods of 7 years are note relevant because such duration includes opposite tendancies so that any prediction on such a basis would be confirmed anyhow, by all means..
As a matter of fact, the notion of period implies the begining of a new cycle like Spring to be expected every year. But obviously, if one want to predict the weather on a year basis and not on a season basis, it would be meaningless since e year comprehends verys différent temperatures to follow in 365 days!
At a time (cf our Astroologie selon Saturne, 43 editions 1994-1996), we had proposed to oppose equinoxial periods to solsticial periods, each being of 7 years, which was a major error since a 7 years period includes cardinal and mutable signes of opposite force. Only a 3,5 years period
woukd indeed be relevant. One could call such a duration with the letter H ( alluding to Halbronn)
If a too long duration does not make sens, it is also possible to say that a too short duration -like one year time - would also be rather vain. since it will not include enough data of the same nature to be really conclusive statistically.
From our point of view, it will be enough clear that cycles separated by 36 years -as in the case of the Saturn-Neptune conjunction cycle (see André Barbault' mundane astrology) will not be relevant, since it implies that nothing really signiicant will happen in the mean time!
Besides, in its last formulations, such a pattern does not even mention an anti-period of opposite direction, corresponding to a certain aspect between the two planets,
Saturn and Neptune. According to our model (paradigma), in 36 years (interval between two conjunctions ot this couple)10 periodes of 3, 5 years will follow one another.
It is turue that some astrologers might find proper correlations between events separated by 36 years, but it would be just the consequence of the interference - by chance - of a short cycle with a long cycle.
JHB 20 02 25
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