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lundi 8 janvier 2024

Jacques Halbronn dans une bibliographie astrologique.

Halbronn, Jacques, ed. ‘Aquarius ou la Nouvelle Ère du Verseau’ Éditions Albatros, Paris, 1979 Halbronn, Jacques ‘Clefs pour l’Astrologie’ Nouvelle Édition Entièrement Révisée – Editions Seghers, Paris, 1993 Halbronn, Jacques, ed. ‘Guide Astrologique’ Éditions Laurens, Paris, 1997 Halbronn, Jacques, ed. ‘Le Guide de la Vie Astrologique’ Guy Trédaniel, Éditeur, Editions de la Grande Conjonction, 1984 Halbronn, Jacques ‘Les Mathématiques Divinatoires’ Guy Trédaniel, Édition de la Maisnie, 1983 Halbronn, Jacques; intr. Vernet, Juan, Professeur à l’Université de Barcelone ‘[Bibliothèque de l’Unicorne – La Tradition: textes et études – Série Française – Volume vingt-deuxième:] Le Monde Juif et l’Astrologie: Histoire d’un Vieux Couple – Ouvrage orné de 5 illustrations hors texte sur XL planches et de 20 illustrations dans le texte, Suivi d’une étude de Paul Fenton, Maître Assistant à l’Université de Lyon III[26]’ Archè Milano, 1985[27]. Lightly textured card covers. (All page gatherings still joined at top edges and half at outer edges: need separating.) [3] + [2 leaves] + [pp. 3-25] + [pp. 27-9] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 33-48] + [plates i-iv] + [pp. 49-64] + [plates v-viii] + [pp. 65-113] + [p. 115] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 119-160] + [plates ix-xvi] + [pp. 161-176] + [plates xvii-xxiv] + [pp. 177-203] + [pp. 205-227] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 231-257] + [pp. 259-280] + [plates xxv-xl] + [pp. 281-7] + [1] + [pp. 290-375] + [pp. 377-405] + [pp. 407-416] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 419-433] + [pp. 434-440 of illustrations] + [1 leaf] + [pp. iii-xvii] + [pp. xviii-xix of illustrations] + [imprimatur] Halbronn, Jacques ‘Le Texte Prophétique en France: Formation et Fortune Tome I: Thèse d’État sous la direction de M. Jean Céard, Professeur à l’Université de Paris X-Nanterre – UEFR de Littérature Française’ Atelier National de Reproduction des Thèses, 9 Rue Auguste Angellier, Lille, France, 1999. Card covers. [3] + [1 leaf] + [p. 4] + [2] + [pp. 7-30] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 32-5] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 37-46] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 48-122] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 124-190] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 192-255] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 257-286] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 288-298] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 300-311] + [pp. 313-338] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 340-378] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 380-397] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 399-415] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 417-435] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 437-463] + [Imprimatur] Halbronn, Jacques ‘Le Texte Prophétique en France: Formation et Fortune Tome II: Thèse d’État sous la direction de M. Jean Céard, Professeur à l’Université de Paris X-Nanterre – UEFR de Littérature Française’ Atelier National de Reproduction des Thèses, 9 Rue Auguste Angellier, Lille, France, 1999. Card covers. [3] + [p. 466] + [2] + [pp. 470-4] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 476-512] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 514-537] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 539-592] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 595-624] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 626-630] + [p. 630a] + [pp. 631-690] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 692-764] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 766-802] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 804-853] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 855-904] + [Imprimatur] Halbronn, Jacques ‘Le Texte Prophétique en France: Formation et Fortune Tome III: Thèse d’État sous la direction de M. Jean Céard, Professeur à l’Université de Paris X-Nanterre – UEFR de Littérature Française’ Atelier National de Reproduction des Thèses, 9 Rue Auguste Angellier, Lille, France, 1999. Card covers (creasing and light wear to upper outer corner of rear cover). [3] + [pp. 907-8] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 910-911] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 913-940] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 943-963] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 965-1010] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 1012-1034] + [pp. 1036-1047] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 1049-1124] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 1126-1170] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 1172-8] + [pp. 1180-1207] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 1209-1232] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 1235-8] + [pp. 1240-1258] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 1260-1278] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 1283-1305] + [p. 1306] + [pp. 1307-1325] + [pp. 1326-8] + [pp. A-1 – A-47 of illustrations] + [pp. 1329-1333] + [pp. B-1 – B-67 of illustrations] + [pp. 1334-5] + [pp. 1335a – 1335b] + [pp. C-1 – C-39 of illustrations] + [p. 1336] + [pp. 1337-1349] + [pp. 1349a – 1349b] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 1351-6] + [Imprimatur] Halbron (sic), Jacques ‘La Vie Astrologique: Années Trente-Cinquante, de Maurice Privat à Dom Néroman’ Éditions la Grande Conjonction, 8, rue de la Providence, 75013 Paris / Guy Trédaniel Éditeur, 65, rue Claude Bernard, 75005 Paris, 1995. Card covers. [1 leaf] + [2] + [pp. 5-13] + [2 pages of illustrations] + [pp. 16-105] + [illustration] + [pp. 107-190] + [imprimatur] Halbronn, Jacques – see also under Curry, P.; Dessange, Solange; and Etteilla, above; and under Ibn Ezra, Abraham; Morin, Jean-Baptiste; and Ptolomée, below Halbronn, Jacques et Hutin, Serge ‘Histoire de l’Astrologie[28]’ Éditions Artefact, Éditions Henri Veyrier, 1986. Card covers (light wear to extremities of spine). [1 page of advertisements] + [1 leaf] + [2] + [pp. 7-12] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 15-93] + [pp. 95-7] + [pp. 99-148[29]] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 155-169] + [pp. 171-273] + [1] + [imprimatur] [1] In view of other items in the collection this came from having had links with Fritz Werle, it seems credible that it might have been his copy, although it is unproven [1a] A series of publications jointly edited at this time by Hinrich Biesterfeldt and Sebastian Günther [1b] A collection of 17 extended essays by different scholars and teams of scholars, including Hans Daiber and the editors [2] A compendium of fourteen essays by different Australian and erstwhile Australian astrologers, including Keven Barrett, Bernadette Brady, Brian Clark, L. Furze-Morrish, Darrelyn Gunzburg, Ralph Holden, Rudolf Smit (who lived in Australia from 1980 to 1987) and Chris Turner. A biographical overview of pioneering early Australian astrologers serves as an introduction [2a] These comprise Rulerships / Egyptian Terms; Essential Diginities; Old Rulerships / Modern Rulerships; Planetary Parameters (the only double-sided document); Work sheet to determine the question of Money and Acquiring (6 copies); and Work Sheet to determine Profession or Lifestyle (3 copies). One copy of each of the Work Sheets has been marked up with ink notes by the former owner [2b] After the original printing of 2010 [3] “Textes Réunis par Rika Gyselen, avec la collaboration de Anna Caiozzo, Pascal Charlier, Salvo de Meis, John Dillon, Gilles Dorival, Marc Étienne, Hermann Hunger, Sophie Jama, Ulla Koch-Westenholz, Richard Lemay, Antonio Panaino, David Pingree, Venetia Porter and Barry Ager, Odile Ricoux, Nicole Thierry, Robert Turcan”. [4] A series of publications directed by the editor of the present volume, who is also credited as the Directeur de recherche au C.N.R.S., Paris [5] A collection of 16 essays by different academic historians – for the full list of authors, see the credit two footnotes earlier [6] Pseud. of Abel Thomas [7] On both copies held, the publisher name and address, except for the city, have been papered over with the later label of Librairie Générale des Sciences Occultes, Bibliothèque Chacornac, 11, Quai Saint-Michel [8] Of which front cover is unmarked but rear carries advertising for Bibliothèque Chacornac – apparently a workmanlike binding of the original publisher’s sheets into new covers by the publisher that took over their stock [9] The plate found after p. 56 in Copy B is the same as the one found after p. 52 in Copy A [10] A prominent London surveyor and landed gentleman of the early-mid 19th century. The bookplate is adorned with his coat of arms featuring the Latin motto Confide Recté Agens [10a] Pp. 14-85 of this study comprise chapters entitled ‘Astrological Medicine’ and ‘Astral Magic’ [11] Copyrighted 1976, but this impression 1982 [12] The original printing is dated to 1974 [13] The front cover omits the part in parentheses, and adds after ‘d’Interprétation’: ‘Suite au Manuel d’Asrologie – tome V’ [14] The date of this printing, but the fourth edition was first printed in 1978 according to the booklist at the front of the volume, which however gives 1975 as the date of the third edition, whereas our copy of the same is dated 1974. The first and second editions are dated 1967 and 1971 respectively [15] After the first of 1977 [16] Apparent current printing of the first edition, first printed in 1977 according to booklists in other books by the author. A second edition would follow in 1981 [17] After the first edition of 1971, second of 1975 and third of 1981 [18] Apparent current printing of the second edition, first published thus in 1974. The original edition is dated to 1969 [19] The date of this printing. The booklist at the front dates the previous, second edition to 1981, and the first to 1978, but mysteriously this printing has retained a printed copyright date of 1980 [19a] A collection of thirteen scholarly papers by as many different scholars, including the editors, of whom Hadravová alone provides two [19b] Perplexingly, this volume has been issued with three different ISBNs relating to these different nominal publishers, but on this issue, only the ISBN for the Scriptorium edition appears on the barcode on the rear cover [19c] Received new thus as a result of bumps in transit resulting from inadequate packaging used in international postage from Czechia [20] A former owner’s signature is dated 1920, proving that this offprint cannot have been issued later than that [21] Front cover title thus. The internal title is ‘The Maya Zodiac at Santa Rita, British Honduras’ [22] Appears from the pagination to be an extract from a longer printed publication, but no publisher name is provided on the front cover or inside. The particular chapter featured is however undersigned ‘Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, New York’ [23] The second in a series of publications originating from the named series of seemingly annually held workshops, though not all were taken from that of 1956 [24] Distributor stamp of ‘Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., 3 West 33rd St., New York 1, N. Y.’ appears to foot of title page [25] A following stub indicates that the leaf of advertisements present in the copy in the variant softcover binding may originally have been present in this cloth edition too but was cut out by a former owner from this copy [26] The study by Paul B. Fenton comprises the section paginated in Roman numerals at the end of the volume [27] The 1985 date appears on the title page but the previous page gives a copyright date of 1979. [28] Part of a series of publications called Collection “L’Étrange”, directed by Xavier Pasquini. This particular work is divided into two parts, the first being an essay by Jacques Halbronn entitled “La Pensée Astrologique”, spanning pp. [13]-148; the second being a reprint of Serge Hutin’s short book on the history of astrology, preceded by annotations by Halbronn. Hutin’s text itself runs from pp. 171-273. [29] There is no explanation given for the gap in pagination after p. 148 and before p. 155, which seems to have been grounded in an erroneous assumption that the first part of the book would be slightly longer than it turned out to be Back to Page 79

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